Introduce your brand
· How we consider our work: the term “clients” is so easy to use, and maybe it’s the most apt, but it’s not how we think of the people we work with, who make up a community of creative, thoughtful, curious, joyful, and wonderful souls.
· We begin with why you’re here. Maybe you’re just a teeny bit curious about slowing down, or maybe you’re ready to overhaul your busy, fast-paced world. Regardless, something compelled you to this page, and that’s where we’ll start our journey.
· We move toward what you want. The question “what do you want?” can be a prickly one. The answer is ever-changing and broad, dependent on life chapter. Often, we want more than one thing. We’ll dig into the facets of what you want and provide tools and practices to help move you in that direction. And we’ll adjust as answers change, slough off, or are added.
· Marina’s pillars: we look at –
o Financial
o Social
o Emotional
o Physical
· Program shape: (see Mar Grace)
o What to expect
o You will leave with
o Why does it work?
o Who’s teaching
o Scholarships
· Strip away the excess
o “Clean it all out”: the house, the inbox, the apps
· Experiment with the good (offline) things
· Practice the good (offline) things:
o Rituals
o Relationships
o Movement
o Play
o Time in nature
· Check in and maintain
· Revisit, always: what do you want?
· Habit-Creating Tracks
o 1:1 – not personalized; general
§ 2 months (least amount of time to create a habit)
§ 9 months (most amount of time to create a habit)
o 1:1 – personalized
§ 2 months or 9 months or 1 year (ongoing?)