we know employees are whole humans with human needs—connection, Belonging, AppreciatioN—
within and beyond the workplace.

pidge post creates accessible, meaningful programs around the intangibles that make work—and life—matter. (then we measure them.)

We’ve been called “radically simple and simply radical” and 78% of surveyed uber employees said our program was “more impactful” than existing virtual recognition.

Let’s talk!

workplace wellbeing

radically simple &

simply radical

What do play, note-writing, and naps have in common?

We likely did a good amount of all three as children, before we sloughed them off in favor of productive, professional adulthood. Somehow (most of us) grew up to find ourselves in lives full of distraction, overwhelm, busyness, burnout, pressure. But even adults need play, rest, human connection. We crave it!

Most workplace wellbeing programs these days are virtual. They “remove friction” so your teams can be more productive, engaged, and retained. The good news: Pidge Post also meaningfully improves productivity, engagement, and retention.


Clients call us “radical” for a reason. We partner with forward-thinking organizations to take wellbeing offline. To create slowed-down, accessible, human spaces that help people live fuller, more vibrant lives within and beyond the workplace.

go slow, think small, log off

go slow

How often do we get the chance to truly slow down, to listen to our wonderful minds, to reflect and think without the pressure of producing, consuming, “creating value"?

The answer, for many adults, is never. We live in a world driven by speed. According to a Pew Research Center study, around 52% of Americans regularly feel like they're doing two or more things at once.

Pidge Post creates space for slowness, quietness, gentleness—space where our minds and hearts can restore and recharge—we can move through our days with more resilience and peace.

think small

American culture is full of stories about big winners. Bigger, in most senses of the word (especially at work!), is better.

At Pidge Post, we shift the perspective to focus on the small. Tiny, daily joys and delights. Practices that take 3 breaths to “accomplish.” For most, starting small is not only accessible, but keeps us open to possibility.

log off

Globally, the average human being gives 6 hours and 58 minutes of their life EVERY DAY to internet-connected screens. 

78% of Pidge Post participants at Uber called our program “more impactful” than virtual programming.

handwritten notes

Writing handwritten notes at work sounds so quaint, doesn’t it? It sounds too simple to matter, which is exactly why it’s effective.

A handwritten note is a way to carve out a small pocket of focus, reflection, and gratitude for the humans around you. It’s a simple, unexpected source of delight and warmth.

creative play

Creating spaces of unstructured, unproductive time often allows for creativity to flourish. Pidge Post workshops, programs, and immersions offer space for creative play in a lighthearted, joyful environment.

nourishing rest

Restore, recharge

ready to build a culture of gratitude, recognition, and connection?